Assemblies are held every second Tuesday of even weeks at 2:15pm in the gym. Each class, has a turn of hosting the assembly throughout the semester. A special award giving assembly is also held at 1:45pm on the last day of each term.
Students and staff may have anaphylactic (severe allergic) conditions, that include nut allergies. This means that exposure at school may constitute a risk to their health and wellbeing. If a parent of a child with an allergy to nuts or nut products alerteds the school to this fact (backed by medical evidence / documentation), the school will manage the situation. Students are requested NOT to send food to school that contain nuts, especially peanuts. Parents will be informed of this policy at the commencement of each new school year and at enrolment.
See our Allergies and Nut Awareness Policy.
Current Department of Education for Child Department record keeping policies require the recording of attendances, absences and punctuality. Absences with a reason should be clearly recorded in your child's diary or on a separate piece of paper and signed by the family. Please contact the school via phone, email or through the Skoolbag App if your child is going to be absent on any given day.
The family member should go to the front office, sign their child out, and collect the appropriate form to present to the teacher before the child leaves the classroom. Please do not ask your child to meet you in the car park as it is our duty of care to hand your child over to you in the event of early dismissal.
Should your child/ren be attending interstate or overseas family holidays for an extended period of time, please notify the Principal 4 weeks prior to the travel commencement date so that the appropriate 'Exemption form Attendance' form can be completed and approved.
See our Attendance Policy.
The school operates a canteen during recess and lunchtimes on Wednesdays from which hot and cold food can be purchased. It needs to be ordered on the appropriate order bag and put into the class lunch box before 8.50am on those days. The Canteen menu aligns with the Government's Right Bite Guidelines. Please see Canteen Menu 2020 under General Information tab. We offfer Subway order on Thursdays and Sushi orders on Fridays. Order forms are available from the front office.
When a child is enrolled access and custody information is requested. This information is shared with the class teacher. Parents are entitled to joint custody unless a court has otherwise stated. In which case the custody order details must be entered with enrolment or if family situations change. Students are not allowed to leave school with an unauthorised person.
See our Access/Custody Policy.
The wearing of school dress clothing by all students positively promotes a good school ethos. According to the DECD Regulation 77 on school dress code, the Governing Council has the right to determine a school dress policy. Our school dress means colour-coded mix'n match blue clothing. Navy Blue and Sky/Mid Blue are the designated school colours. It is the responsibility of parents to see that students wear the correct School Dress clothing. Unavoidable temporary variations in School Dress should be advised in writing in the diary by parents and dated.
See our Dress Code Policy.
When a child is enrolled we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the information provided. Preschool and School enrolment require an Registration of Interest form to be completed which is available on our webiste. An enrolment form can also be downloaded from the website or alternatively you can call in to the school and pick up an enrolment pack from the front office. An appointment will be set up with the school Principal to allow her to meet with you and your child. The information provided in enrolment forms is stored securely in local school/preschool and Departmental databases.
Our downstairs classrooms house our Junior Primary classes and at the end of the corridor are our Junior Primary and Special classes as well as the Modbury Special School class. Upstairs is where all of the year 1-7 students' classes are together with our Japenese room and Computer Suite. Across the laneway is our Resource Centre technology hub and our Pre School. On Fridays playgroup is held in the Pre School. We have a new (BER) gym for our specialist PE teacher's lessons and 'the Shedlee' for our arts lessons.
Governing Council Meetings are held twice a term in the Staffroom on a Tuesday evening at 7.00pm. There are sub-committees of Governing Council that meet at other times (eg Finance Advisory, Fundraising, Canteen and OSHC). The purpose of the Governing Council is to involve the school community in the governance of the school by providing a focus and a forum for the involvement of parents and the school community and by identifying the educational needs of the local community and the attitude of the local community to educational developments within the school. Ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the school community is considered and the particular needs of all student groups are appropriately identified is also one of their roles.
All students are expected to complete some work at home. We call in Home Practice because it is about practising skills and concepts taught at school. We have a policy which all teachers adhere to.
See our Home Practice Policy.
During hot weather, if the temperature is forecast between 32 and 36 degrees, students may play outside in shaded areas. If the forecast is over 36 degrees, students will be supervised indoors at lunchtime. During wet weather, if it is raining during recess or lunch time, students will be supervised indoors.
If a child is away please let us know by phoning the school on the morning of the child's absence or sending a written note when the child returns. After three consecutive days a doctor's certificate is required. Please do not send your child to school if they are showing signs of a condition that is contagious. If medication is required on a daily basis, a health care plan must be provide by your doctor.
If your child is well enough to come to school but not to participate in physical activities, a note should be sent to the class teacher.
In case of infectious diseases the Department for Education and Child Development has regulations that state the time students must be excluded from school. Some of the more common diseases and the regulations governing them are listed below.
Please notify the school if your child contracts an infectious disease.
If your child has lost or misplaced an article of clothing please check the lost property bin. You can enquire at the Front Office for the location of the bin. Items of clothing that are named will be returned to the owner. Items that are not claimed or named by the last day of each term will be donated to charity.
Every year the Materials & Services Charge (school fees) is revised and set by the school and endorsed by the Governing Council. The Materials & Services Charge covers the cost of essential materials – stationery, consumables, art & craft, ICT services – for all subjects; hire of text books; use of the Resource Centre; sporting and musical equipment, photocopying and duplicated materials. An invoice is produced at the beginning of each year or when a child enrols during the year. Payment of the Charge can be by cash, cheque, credit card, EFTPOS, direct debit, Centre Pay by regular weekly or fortnightly instalments - either in person or over the telephone.
The Newsletter will be published fortnightly on Wednesdays of even weeks. It is an important means of communication and empowers you to know what is going on in our school. The first newsletter of each term includes a termly calendar. You can request to have this sent to you via email if you prefer that to a paper copy. The newsletter can also be viewed here on our website.
The schools OSHC Program is run by Happy Haven OSHC. The service is run by experienced qualified and part-qualified staff who provide a quality, safe, fun, recreational child care program for the families of our community. The program is avalible to students between the ages of 4 and 13 and is run from 3:00pm to 6:00pm on school days and 7:00am and 6:00pm in school holidays.
We welcome our students with disabilities to OSHC and can provide staff support through Inclusion SA with prior notice and arrangements.